Fafrees 26 Hailong One 26-palcový E-MTB 250W motor 13Ah batéria 21-rýchlostný mestský elektrobicykel

Pozdravte novo vylepšený Hailong One E-MTB, ultimátny elektrický bicykel navrhnutý tak, aby pozdvihol vašu jazdu všetkými možnými spôsobmi. Či už ste vášnivým horským cyklistom, rekreačným jazdcom alebo každodenným dochádzaním, tento e-bike je vašou vstupenkou k bezkonkurenčnej všestrannosti, sile, štýlu a cenovej dostupnosti. S jeho robustným 250 W motorom a 21-rýchlostným systémom radenia Shimano môžete bez námahy zdolávať strmé stúpania a náročné chodníky a 26x2.1” horské pneumatiky na zvládnutie rôznych terénov. Okrem výkonových schopností má 26 Hailong One moderný dizajn so športovým rámom, elegantnými líniami, padnutými riadidlami a agresívnym postojom. Inovujte na Hailong One E-MTB a cesta sa môže začať!

Dochádzanie bez námahy 

Výkonná 13Ah lítiová batéria vám poskytuje spoľahlivú a dlhotrvajúcu energiu pre vaše jazdy.Vďaka vodotesnosti IP54 môžete s istotou jazdiť cez mrholenie a kaluže. V elektrickom režime môžete na jedno nabitie prejsť približne 45 – 55 kilometrov, vďaka čomu je ideálny na kratšie jazdy a dochádzanie. V režime mopedu si môžete svoje dobrodružstvo predĺžiť ešte viac a prejsť impozantných 80 – 100 kilometrov.

Dobytie akéhokoľvek terénu 

Zažite výnimočný 250W nábojový motor so špičkovým výkonom 450W a 45N.m maximálneho krútiaceho momentu. Či už zdolávate drsné cesty, prechádzate sa každodenným dochádzaním alebo hľadáte dobrodružstvo v prírode, tento motor je vaším spoľahlivým a výkonným spoločníkom.

Presné radenie prevodových stupňov

S 21 rýchlosťami SHIMANO, ktoré máte k dispozícii, máte na výber širokú škálu možností radenia. Prevody sú pozoruhodne plynulé a umožňujú vám bez námahy radiť nahor alebo nadol podľa toho, ako si to terén a vaše jazdné podmienky vyžadujú.

Podsvietený LCD displej

Displej nie je len váš bežný cyklopočítač; je to vaše veliteľské centrum. Zostaňte informovaní o svojej rýchlosti, vzdialenosti, úrovni batérie a ďalších, a to všetko rýchlym pohľadom. Funkcia tempomatu nielen znižuje únavu jazdca, ale dodáva vašej ceste aj nádych luxusu. Môžete dokonca nabíjať svoj telefón cez jeho skrytý port USB!

Vylepšené pohodlie

Pripravte sa na ľahké zdolanie akéhokoľvek terénu s vedomím, že vaša odpružená vidlica so zdvihom 80 mm vám kryje chrbát, tlmí nárazy a vyhladzuje nerovnosti na ceste. Gombík nastavenia uzamknutia vám umožňuje jemne doladiť vašu jazdu tak, aby vyhovovala rôznym terénom a jazdným podmienkam.

Vylepšená bezpečnosť

Mechanické kotúčové brzdy s doštičkami s dlhou životnosťou 160 mm poskytujú konzistentnú a spoľahlivú brzdnú silu. Ich jednoduchosť a ľahká údržba z nich robí praktickú voľbu pre jazdcov, ktorí chcú spoľahlivý brzdový systém bez problémov s častou údržbou.

Prispôsobený jazdný komfort

Hailong one je navrhnutý s nastaviteľným predstavcom riadidiel, ktorý vám umožňuje jemne doladiť vašu polohu pri jazde. Či už uprednostňujete vzpriamenejšiu polohu pre pokojnú jazdu alebo aerodynamickejší a agresívnejší postoj pre rýchlosť, tento nastaviteľný predstavec vás pokryje.

Samozrejmá kontrola

CST 26"*2.Pneumatiky 1 poskytujú vynikajúcu odolnosť proti šmyku a trenie vďaka svojmu jedinečnému dezénu. Svetlá na bicykel v súlade so StVZO robia cesty bezpečnejšími pre každého. Zadné svetlá sa zvyčajne ľahko inštalujú na sedlovku.




MODEL 26 Hailong One
Typ Elektrický horský bicykel
Farba Čierno/biele
Veľkosť v rozloženom stave 173*103*69CM
Veľkosť po zložení /
Nastaviteľná výška sedadla 85-98CM
Nastaviteľná výška drieku rukoväte 103-108CM
Veľkosť balenia 140 x 25 x 70 cm
Veľkosť pneumatík 26"*2.1118
Vzdialenosť pedál-zem 10 cm
Odporúčaná výška jazdca 160-195 cm
Čistá hmotnosť 23 kg
Hmotnosť balenia 27.2 kg
Hmotnosť batérie 3.1 kg
Nosnosť 120 kg
Materiál rámu Zliatina hliníka
Typ pneumatiky Vzduchová pneumatika
Predvolená maximálna rýchlosť 25 KM/Ht118
Nastaviteľná maximálna rýchlosť 32 KM/Ht118
Maximálny rozsah pre asistovaný režim 80-100 km
Maximálny rozsah pre čistý výkon 45-55 km
Maximálna stúpavosť 30°
Typ batérie 18650 lítium-iónt118
menovité napätie (V) 36V
Vstupné napätie (V) 42V
Kapacita batérie (AH/Wh) 13Ah
Hodnota ochrany proti podpätiu (V) 30±1V
Hodnota nadprúdovej ochrany (A) 15A
Menovitý výkon motora (W) 250W
Špičkový výstupný výkon motora (W) 480W
Umiestnenie motora Zadný pohon
Maximálny krútiaci moment (N.m) 45N.m
Vstupné napätie (V) 220V
Výstupné napätie (V) 42V
Menovitý prúd (A) 2A
Čas nabíjania
Typ vidlice Odpružená vidlica
Vzdialenosť zdvihu vidlice 80 mm
Typ zadného tlmiča //
Dojazdová vzdialenosť zadného tlmiča //
Typ zobrazenia LCD
Režim asistencie pri chôdzi 6 km/h Áno
Tempomat Áno
ovládanie APP Nie
Úroveň PAS 0-5
Prenos SHIMANO 21 Speed
Brzda Mechanické kotúčové brzdy
Skladacie diely Nie
Predné svetlo Áno
Zadné svetlo Áno
Režim jazdy ľudská/asistovaná/čistá sila
Prevádzková teplota (-10~45)℃
Úroveň vodotesnosti a prachu IP54
Balíček obsahuje 1 x elektrický bicykel FAFREES
1 x nabíjačka batérií
1 x súprava náradia
1 x používateľská príručka
Poznámka: Skutočný výkon bude ovplyvnený hmotnosťou používateľa, stavom vozovky a úrovňou batérie.

Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
Donal Casey
Fafrees f20 master

After doing a lot of searching and reading I decided on getting the f20 master and after a month of using it I have no regrets. The bike came well packaged and was setup in 15 minutes. The quality of the bike is really good had squeaky rear brakes for the first week or so but knew they were just bedding in all good now Battery is true to what fafrees say got 140 km on a full charge my commute is 30 km daily with a lot of hills and the bike just glides up them effortlessly. Only downside to the bike for me is the saddle which isn't the most comfortable but overall I'm really pleased with my f20 master and would recommend

Michael Moloney
Fafrees e bike

Looks nice and really comfortable to ride nice and smooth on the road. Very easy to use with great speed and very good range on the battery.im really happy with my bike.

Desmond Rainey
New and Old Bike

I have been in communication with Fafrees. I am totally annoyed that the sales team told me I could use the old battery still working from my previous bike that was involved in an accident on my new bike. THAT IS TOTALLY MISLEADING.

Hi there,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused but We are not fafrees but pogo cycles


Graham O'Donnell
An unpleasant experience

Only Abby responded to me in a civil and courteous manner. All other replies were anonymous, perfunctory and hostile. Not pleasant.

Dear valued customer,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize for any unpleasant interactions you may have had with our team. We take customer service very seriously and strive to provide a positive and helpful experience for all of our customers. We will take your feedback into consideration and work towards improving our customer service. Thank you for choosing FAFREES F20 City - Electric Folding Bike.

The FAFREES team


No mudguards

🚚 Shipping - Free shipping on all orders to anywhere in Ireland and Europe. 7-15 business days delivery time.
💝 Return & Refund Guarantee - 30 Days Hassle Free Returns & 12 Months Warranty. Please refer to t&C .
📞 Customer Support - Please email us at support@pogocycles.com. Our support team will reply within 8 hours.

*Accesories shown in the pictures may be optional or available to buy seperately
*All bikes are water resistant. For extra protection, do cover your screens with plastic sheet to avoid water ingress when driving in rain

After brexit most items come with 2 pin plug as UK stock can't be shipped to Ireland anymore . We try to send adapter but sometimes it doesn't come. We will reimburse upto 5 euros for the same.

*Product specifications like battery are directly mentioned by manufacturers and they are under optimum test conditions, they may vary with external factors like weight ,speed, wind and road conditions

Law:- Its completely legal to buy, sell and own an e-scooter in Ireland. At the moment, privately-owned electric scooters are illegal to use on the public highway in Ireland & the UK. However they can be ridden on private land.Check local country laws before purchase

Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
Donal Casey
Fafrees f20 master

After doing a lot of searching and reading I decided on getting the f20 master and after a month of using it I have no regrets. The bike came well packaged and was setup in 15 minutes. The quality of the bike is really good had squeaky rear brakes for the first week or so but knew they were just bedding in all good now Battery is true to what fafrees say got 140 km on a full charge my commute is 30 km daily with a lot of hills and the bike just glides up them effortlessly. Only downside to the bike for me is the saddle which isn't the most comfortable but overall I'm really pleased with my f20 master and would recommend

Michael Moloney
Fafrees e bike

Looks nice and really comfortable to ride nice and smooth on the road. Very easy to use with great speed and very good range on the battery.im really happy with my bike.

Desmond Rainey
New and Old Bike

I have been in communication with Fafrees. I am totally annoyed that the sales team told me I could use the old battery still working from my previous bike that was involved in an accident on my new bike. THAT IS TOTALLY MISLEADING.

Hi there,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused but We are not fafrees but pogo cycles


Graham O'Donnell
An unpleasant experience

Only Abby responded to me in a civil and courteous manner. All other replies were anonymous, perfunctory and hostile. Not pleasant.

Dear valued customer,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize for any unpleasant interactions you may have had with our team. We take customer service very seriously and strive to provide a positive and helpful experience for all of our customers. We will take your feedback into consideration and work towards improving our customer service. Thank you for choosing FAFREES F20 City - Electric Folding Bike.

The FAFREES team


No mudguards

Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
Donal Casey
Fafrees f20 master

After doing a lot of searching and reading I decided on getting the f20 master and after a month of using it I have no regrets. The bike came well packaged and was setup in 15 minutes. The quality of the bike is really good had squeaky rear brakes for the first week or so but knew they were just bedding in all good now Battery is true to what fafrees say got 140 km on a full charge my commute is 30 km daily with a lot of hills and the bike just glides up them effortlessly. Only downside to the bike for me is the saddle which isn't the most comfortable but overall I'm really pleased with my f20 master and would recommend

Michael Moloney
Fafrees e bike

Looks nice and really comfortable to ride nice and smooth on the road. Very easy to use with great speed and very good range on the battery.im really happy with my bike.

Desmond Rainey
New and Old Bike

I have been in communication with Fafrees. I am totally annoyed that the sales team told me I could use the old battery still working from my previous bike that was involved in an accident on my new bike. THAT IS TOTALLY MISLEADING.

Hi there,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused but We are not fafrees but pogo cycles


Graham O'Donnell
An unpleasant experience

Only Abby responded to me in a civil and courteous manner. All other replies were anonymous, perfunctory and hostile. Not pleasant.

Dear valued customer,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize for any unpleasant interactions you may have had with our team. We take customer service very seriously and strive to provide a positive and helpful experience for all of our customers. We will take your feedback into consideration and work towards improving our customer service. Thank you for choosing FAFREES F20 City - Electric Folding Bike.

The FAFREES team


No mudguards

Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
Donal Casey
Fafrees f20 master

After doing a lot of searching and reading I decided on getting the f20 master and after a month of using it I have no regrets. The bike came well packaged and was setup in 15 minutes. The quality of the bike is really good had squeaky rear brakes for the first week or so but knew they were just bedding in all good now Battery is true to what fafrees say got 140 km on a full charge my commute is 30 km daily with a lot of hills and the bike just glides up them effortlessly. Only downside to the bike for me is the saddle which isn't the most comfortable but overall I'm really pleased with my f20 master and would recommend

Michael Moloney
Fafrees e bike

Looks nice and really comfortable to ride nice and smooth on the road. Very easy to use with great speed and very good range on the battery.im really happy with my bike.

Desmond Rainey
New and Old Bike

I have been in communication with Fafrees. I am totally annoyed that the sales team told me I could use the old battery still working from my previous bike that was involved in an accident on my new bike. THAT IS TOTALLY MISLEADING.

Hi there,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused but We are not fafrees but pogo cycles


Graham O'Donnell
An unpleasant experience

Only Abby responded to me in a civil and courteous manner. All other replies were anonymous, perfunctory and hostile. Not pleasant.

Dear valued customer,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize for any unpleasant interactions you may have had with our team. We take customer service very seriously and strive to provide a positive and helpful experience for all of our customers. We will take your feedback into consideration and work towards improving our customer service. Thank you for choosing FAFREES F20 City - Electric Folding Bike.

The FAFREES team


No mudguards

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